Neelima Bhatt and Bhaskar Bhatt - One of the loveliest couple i have ever seen, is possessed with all the resolve and fathomless love & happiness for each other in life. I had to fight back tears when i saw them get married and i truly salute them for standing-up in togetherness when it mattered. They have now started their design firm: where they make exclusive home-furnishings etched with exquisite designs on the house. Do visit this website and the next time, you plan to buy home-furnishings, i request you to look into this and then decide. They have an all-embracing line of home-furnishings ranging from: (Am attaching specific links for easy navigation)
- Tastefully designed cushion covers using the material of Polydupion
- Inviting bed spreads - These are just plush and so rich in look!
- Accessories using the materials: Satin and Velvet
- Table Linens -
- Ceramic accessories -
they dont have it here in chennai?
Mosh - they do have it in Chennai. Its at Chaimers Place @ Chamiers Road.
wow thats neat!! well now i know who to catch for HUGE discounts :P
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