Red...Amber..Green...and so the journey started
The one i always look forward to...for stealing the small glances
drinking the minute details..taking it all in..
For such was her beauty
With the wind blowing in soft whispers...There she stood..
A tinge of concern encircling her in an aureal glory
The lovely bright and dancing almond eyes..made me long for that one sole look
But my feet were strapped and feelings were cemented....
thinking there will never come a time..never ever
Hope was lost in monosyllables...
I knew it then...she was never there...
There..it went away in fumes..into the distant pockets of my engine...
and the deepest cranials of my brain
Lost in place...self...work...time jus flew
365 fortnights passed....
People entered and exited...but none stayed.....
The one i always look forward to...for stealing the small glances
drinking the minute details..taking it all in..
For such was her beauty
With the wind blowing in soft whispers...There she stood..
A tinge of concern encircling her in an aureal glory
The lovely bright and dancing almond eyes..made me long for that one sole look
But my feet were strapped and feelings were cemented....
thinking there will never come a time..never ever
Hope was lost in monosyllables...
I knew it then...she was never there...
There..it went away in fumes..into the distant pockets of my engine...
and the deepest cranials of my brain
Lost in place...self...work...time jus flew
365 fortnights passed....
People entered and exited...but none stayed.....
None had the same impact...
The vacuum persisited...alas cannot be filled, i guess
Then..she sashayed down the aisle
Nothing like what she was before.....
Much knowledge was seen in her almond eyes...
in place of the once existent sparkly innocence...
Much had been said and done...
I knew then...it was not the same...
And she was not there...
Well..she was never there...
Then..she sashayed down the aisle
Nothing like what she was before.....
Much knowledge was seen in her almond eyes...
in place of the once existent sparkly innocence...
Much had been said and done...
I knew then...it was not the same...
And she was not there...
Well..she was never there...
1 comment:
歐美a免費線上看,ok論壇武則天視訊聊天室武則天影音視訊聊天室比基尼美女的奶,玩美女人影音秀比基尼辣妹比基尼辣妹dudu sex本土自拍天堂34c寶貝視訊本土自拍貼圖t 6成人網頁月光論壇日本 avdvd 介紹免費觀賞34c視訊俱樂部d736 免費聊天室影音交友616 情色聊天室免費視訊聊天1768視訊美女maxworld免費聊天交友61618jack主入口豆豆聊天室hi5 tv 免費影片77p2p影片區倉井空免費影片a片-sexdiy影城aio168論壇 bt成人網聊天室交友have視訊美女engin視訊交友iccgogo2sex咆哮小老鼠入口咆哮小老鼠咆哮小老鼠論壇aa免費影片jp素人露出大全集免費交友聊天fm358一夜成人聊天室交友網-視訊百事台南視訊xxx383美女寫真aa
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